Biblatex format for AJHG

I'm working on a paper on the genetic basis of lupus, which I'm submitting to the American Journal of Human Genetics, and since I've recently switched to the wonderful biblatex and biber from the standard bibtex, I've had to figure out how to customize the bibliography and citation format to fit the standards of the journal. Luckily, there are lots of good examples on TeX's stackexchange, which enabled me to figure out how to do all of this.

The following code in the preamble does almost all of the hard lifting:

% from
% from
%   \setunit*{\addspace}%
%   (\printfield{year})%
%  \usebibmacro{date}%
%  \setunit{\addspace}% DELETED
%  \usebibmacro{issue+date}% DELETED
%  \setunit{\addcolon\space}% DELETED
%  \usebibmacro{issue}% DELETED
    test {\iffieldundef{title}}
    test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}
%  \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
%  \usebibmacro{date}%

This, coupled with:


enables my standard natbib workflow of \citep and \citet to work properly too. Eventually I'll move to just using \autocite everywhere, but for now, that's good enough.